Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Holga D

Here is an interesting concept the Holga D or digital Holga camera.  For those that don't know what a Holga is it is an inexpensive plastic film camera that shoots medium format film that is extremely popular among photographers who like the camera because of the light leaks and soft images.

Saikat Biswas an industrial designer has developed a concept for a digital Holga and he wants to develop it as an open-source camera platform.  For those interested being part of the development of this camera click this link to find out more.

Thanks to alumni Rémi Thériault for sending us this link, to find out more about the original Holga camera and other like it here are some links: Lomo Holga Store,  Lomo Diana StoreHolga Mods, and Holga Inspire.

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