ALGONQUIN PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBITION 2011 Alumni Pierre St. Jacque is the judge for the Movie Poster award, take a look at his bio and his website the below:
"Born in Ontario from unknown parents in 1953 and raise in Québec. At 22 years old, not knowing what to do with his life, he registered himself (on a flip of a coin!) in the photography program at Algonquin College.
He had never touched a camera before and for the following 36 years that's all he did, besides having produced two beautiful sons. For the past 11 years he has shared his passion with Leda, his 17 year love affair. They are known as Leda & St. Jacques he's a ''son of a gun'' lucky guy...!"
Check out Leda and St. Jacques' amazing work at their
website, this award is sponsored by